I cope with the threat of the pandemic by wearing a mask and physically distancing myself from others. The senior facility rental where I live coped with the threat of vandalism from protesters by putting plywood over our outside windows. All these actions have so far been successful in preventing bad outcomes. They helped us get through difficult circumstances, although they did not address the root-causes of the situations.
Thriving is entirely different from coping. It is a proactive approach to life. Thriving can have many components. It is taking action to promote wellness in health and finances. It is using creativity to find meaning and joy in daily activities. To thrive is to have a vital life.
For me thriving has been using the time I have available during the quarantine to take interesting and challenging educational courses to build my skills. It has been reaching out over zoom to connect with friends, relatives, and even strangers. It has been pushing myself on my cello. It has been building a career that will improve the lives of others. When I put these all together, these activities give me energy and excitement.
Which is better – coping or thriving? Actually, you need both to have a life worth getting up for in the morning, a life that is complete.
What is one change you can make to thrive during these difficult times?