So many aspects of my life are uncertain now – work, money, health, politics, and justice. We have evolved to sense danger, so my mind and body are on high alert. It is as if a saber-toothed tiger were around the corner and I need to be prepared to fight or flee.

Having chronic high levels of adrenaline and cortisol increase anxiety and can lead to weight gain, headaches, and insomnia. Sound familiar? Also increase blood pressure and can lead to many other problems.

When I was free to travel, I could feel the anxiety and stress drain from my body over the first few days on vacation. But if I started to strategize about work, I would feel the stress coming back.

Here are a few strategies I use now take a break from the stress:

  • Exercising outdoors. I bicycle and feel better. I’m sure that other aerobic exercises would have the same effect.
  • Deep breathing. Taking a few deep breaths helps, like when I get up in the morning or I’ve been sitting in front of a computer screen for long periods of time.
  • They help restore my depleted energy, which comes partly from the stress. I like the 15-20-minute variety of these. One such nap can leave me alert for many hours.
  • I find that pausing before making a decision, instead of reacting immediately and instinctively, empowers me.
  • Meditation and yoga. Unfortunately, I fall asleep when I try to meditate. And I have not found the right kind of yoga that doesn’t do my body in. But many people report that either of these can be wonderful for reducing stress.

What strategies do you use to manage your pandemic stress?