Make your retirement years
the best years of your life!

How will you fill your 8000 days?

What will you do to feel inspired and unstoppable?

What will give you a sense of accomplishment?


A Practical Roadmap for a Healthier, Wealthier, Happier Retirement

Are you serious about retiring? If you are anywhere from ten years before to five years after departure from the workforce—that’s you. This comprehensive guide to retirement offers insights and information on health, family, housing, travel, money, and so much more.

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Covid 19 has been an enormous disruptor for most people in the entire world – a change from what we’ve been doing and perhaps expecting to do. The normal expectation is that we’ll have a linear life – that we’ll keep going in the same direction as in the past and...

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The Future

The Future

Will you have enough money for your retirement? Well, it depends on what you want to do in retirement and what that will cost. But there is more to the question than that. There is a numerical approach to answering this question. When I was a financial planner, I...

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   The pandemic is an excellent time to build your tribe. It is easy to feel isolated now when we are physically separate from friends and relatives. The isolation may motivate us to take action.    Historically, a tribe was a community related by geography, genetics,...

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About the Author

Mark S. Fischer, PhD, MBA, CPRC is a retirement coach. His online workshop, JOURNEY TO YOUR NEXT STAGE, helps pre- and post-retirees create a retirement that is engaging, meaningful, exciting, and fun. His recent book, Serious About Retiring: A Practical Roadmap for a Healthier, Wealthier, Happier Retirement, is a holistic and comprehensive sourcebook on retirement.